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Friday Night Frenzy

Friday Night Frenzy
Join us every Friday for our mega raffles and jag the joker. Plus soak up the sounds of local and touring artists!
Every Friday
From 5PM - late

Join us every Friday for your chance to win our mega raffles and jag the joker. Plus soak up the sounds of local and touring artists!

Mega Raffles
Each week our Mega Raffles brings locals together to help raise much needed funds for Brahmans Footy Club Tickets are on sale from 6pm and our draws kick off around 7.15pm.

Jag the Joker
Purchase a drink from 5pm and you’ll receive a free entry into our Jag the Joker draw. If we draw your ticket, you’ll have the opportunity to draw a card from the deck, and if it’s the Joker, you will walk away with the entire pot of cold hard cash!

Live Music
Soak up the sounds of local and touring artists every Friday night at the Met from 8.30pm-late.

Courtesy bus
Think smart and don’t drink drive, take advantage of our Courtesy Bus, available for pickups and drop-offs Friday and Saturdays! Call our friendly team to organise your ride.